Maptech’s Outdoor Navigator for pocket PC, Palm PDA and Smart Phones

Maptech presents Outdoor Navigator GPS software for pocket PC, Palm PDA and Smart Phones. The software can be accessed by paying nominal annual fee. The advantages include : easy access to the USGS database of over 58,000 USGS topographic maps covering the continental US which also includes all the available 1:24,000, 1:25,000, 1:63,360, 1:100,000, and 1:250,000 topo map scales.

Moreover you can also download over 2300 NOAA Nautical Charts for free. This also includes all available chart scales with the best detail. These functions make this software ideal for sea kayaks, sailboats, and powerboats. Or use as a back-up navigation system on larger vessels. Using NMEA-0183 GPS receiver it will be easy for the user to do real time tracking on the map/chart of his choice. Operation is simple Waypoints can be created simply by pressing the stylus on the map. You can create the routes by marking the first point and classifying it as a New Route. At various route points, you can add many Waypoints.